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Once the download and installation is finished, you should close all of your Terminal windows. If you want the preview version of PowerShell - which is basically the open beta version - replace Microsoft.Powershell with in the previous command. Download Receiver for Windows - Citrix / Downloads / Citrix Receiver / Receiver for Windows Citrix Receiver Receiver for Windows Subscribe to RSS notifications of new downloads Important update about Citrix Receiver Beginning August 2018, Citrix Receiver will be replaced by Citrix Workspace app. This command will download and install the latest version of PowerShell from Microsoft’s GitHub repository: winget install -id Microsoft.Powershell -source winget Note: That command downloads the latest stable PowerShell release. Type or copy and paste the following command at the command line and press Enter. To download and install the update, open up a PowerShell tab in Terminal. RELATED: How to Check the PowerShell Version on Windows 11 It is a lot like apt on Debian-based Linux distros (like Ubuntu), dnf on Fedora, or pacman on Arch, if you’re familiar with those systems. Winget lets you download and install some programs from a centralized repository of programs rather than needing to track down an installer manually. Winget is a package manager introduced in Windows 10.

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The best way to update PowerShell is through the command line, using winget.

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